Job of Phlebotomy

Phlebotomy Courses is concerned with the blood extraction procedures via dermal puncture or vein puncture. The person specialized in this discipline is known as a Phlebotomist. It has now become a field of interest for medical or non medical students. The job of a Phlebotomist is somehow tough as it requires a lot of concentration and carefulness. The health care institutes only hire those employees that are certified and trained from a recognized institution

In order to perform your job efficiently, you must go for a training and certification first. This will help you to build a successful career in the field of medical sciences. It is the responsibility of a phlebotomy specialist to deal with the patients with good communication skills. They must be patient, hard working, able to learn new things and dedicated to their work. Sometimes, they have to face a workload so it is necessary to deal it with patience.

They usually work in collaboration with nurses and doctors. Sometimes, the doctor prescribes urgent blood tests for a patient so they ask a Phlebotomist to prepare their blood sample urgently. They should be aware of standard laboratory safety precautions which is necessary to be followed

They must also possess computer skills as data or record management is a part of their job. The blood specimens are generally required for clinical testing, research studies, blood transfusions or donations. It is the responsibility of a Phlebotomist to verify a person’s identity of a blood donor and record necessary details. They also prepare samples for research studies done on animals or humans. The first step in the blood collection process is to assemble the equipments including sterile material, tourniquet, needle or syringes and cotton. Some patients consider it a very painful procedure especially children so make them calm by guiding them about the vein puncture technique.

Carefully search for the accessible vein and then draw blood.  When the blood is drawn, it is the responsibility of a Phlebotomist to maintain the integrity of specimens by using aseptic conditions following the lab isolation procedures. To become a Phlebotomist, Then the samples are carefully labeled with the patient name and lab number and transported to the concerned departments for analysis. Make sure to handle bio hazardous material carefully including wasted syringes, needles, tubes, cotton and discard them properly according to safety standards.

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